SOMETHING IS COMING - another words


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Kamis, 04 Januari 2018


hello its been a while reader, well i dont know if any of you read my writing or not, but thanks anyway, i know my english is not good enough but i will try my best.

well as usual i dont know lately i just cant sleep at all, even though i feel sleepy but i cant sleep, so sometimes i feel something wrong with my body, i dont know what it is, but i just feel it.

well, i just feel like my death is near, so i've been searching about it, and i found several people same as me, i dont know maybe i am to nervous or too tense, or lack of happiness or something but it really wear me down lately.

just as you know i do want to live, we all do, and i will my best to keep on living, maybe i was just too serious about everything, because i feel everything around me or anything it just suck you know.

like people you dont really know about trying to know you and such, i am introvert man, i am not gonna open up or whatever that is, but if we are just gonna talk i will, but thats it nothing more nothing less.

and it reminds me, my friend told me that i was arrogant, maybe i am, unconsciously.

i dont really know what am i talking about right now, but if you feel the same way as i did, try to overcome that. i will do the same.

we have a lot of problem, all of us do, but we must overcome, let the tomorrow you handle about tomorrow, but right let the you right do it, dont stress it up,

of course i will do same, i will keep thinking and practice to overcome my fear and emotion, it is not easy but slowly and steady we will.

hope we will get better soon my friend



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